Tag: obama

Five Stages of Grief…

1. Denial and Isolation. This stage I think I must have found as the first states were being called for Obama, with as little as 1% of the precincts reporting, I yelled at the TV and probably sulked.. (would have…

Betrayed but not beaten

I cannot this morning bring myself to turn on the TV.  To see the gloating face of what I fear is the enemy within.  I feel betrayed.  I feel betrayed by a daughter, who while brought up in a household…

My Sign

My Wife and I have a piece of property in Traverse City with 400′ on a major road.  20,000 cars daily pass, and one of the main polling locations is a mile up further.  This sign I put up tonight. …

What DOES Michigan want? Michigan.. you paying attention?

Tuesday, Michigan voters can salvage what little decency they have left by pulling for the right folks, and thinking seriously about the two proposals which likely will guide us forward for years to come.  The people, the politicians, the wannabe…

Michigan's Signs of the Times

It has come to this.  We need to get into the spirit of the season, because shortly after the election comes Thanksgiving, and then the mad rush to catch up on Christmas activities and shopping.  Now, I don’t know about…

Recent Marxist Label Appropriate.. Could Help …Michigan

There has never been any question in my mind if Obama is a Marxist.  Redistribution of wealth speaks for itself.  Obama has been organizing his army of followers, for some time.  The very real suggestion that this man is as…

GOP4OBAMA.ORG a Fraud, Sham,

There are some things which set me off.  First it was the Shoenke phony front group for gun control “The American Hunters and Shooters organization spouting off in my neck of the woods with the highly suspect “Obama doesn’t want…

The Fear Is Real.

My wife and I don’t hunt.  At least not now, but someday we might.  We own some acreage that is wooded with a substantial part containing swamp, and yummy edible animals.  Recently we were looking for a hunting rifle, and…

Socialism & Obama Supporters, Stealing A Way of Life

I have a video, brought to me by a local farmer which shows a theft from his roadside fruit  stand.  The video shows a woman and her kids (or grand kids) pulling up to a roadside fruit stand owned by…

Little Things at the Right Time.

First off, break out the popcorn, fluff up the easy chair, and have it ready to be watching the local PBS affiliate at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, October 19th.  Jack Hoogendyk and the original “Senator Government” Carl Levin will square off…