Tag: freedom

Milton Friedman Gives A Jobs Speech – Part 1

The President gave a speech on how he would create jobs, and today the markets had a belly ache. As of this writing, the market down by over 300.  Happy Friday. A friend found this video series that is well…

Right And Proper

How do we treat each other?  When is it OK to bring up ideas in an elected body?  What venue should be more finite in its representation of electors than the next? And who decides what is appropriate, if not…

Sammie Finalists Announcements Today!

“It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people’s minds” ~ Sam Adams

Right To Work Legislation As A Good Start

Re-posted from RightMichigan.com Unemployment is high. Manufacturing is moving out of state, and sometimes taking a “moving” opportunity” moving out of country.. Permanently.While the meat heads in the labor unions are figuring out new ways to persuade our leaders to…

Last word on a destructive attitude – Etu Brute?

What is a near perfect form of conservatism…  Perhaps the near perfect form, is being whatever is closest to the particular mindset of the person judging it.   We are all just a little different in how we view our conservative…

Happy 4th.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which…

Michigan Health Care Freedom Call To Action!

I’m not so good at asking for money, but it seems easier when it involves something so important. The Michigan Health Care Freedom Petitions are out, and it takes money to man the office while coordination efforts to get this…

Two Songs From The Tea Party In Traverse City April 10 2010

We had a special guest at the Traverse City Tea Party. Debbie Lee of (she is the one in the pink holding her son’s picture) Americas Mighty warriors has been traveling with the Tea Party Express team, and spoke to…

MY Stimulus Package

How about a solution which will get ALL of the unemployed in Michigan who want to work a job in less than 3 months? Though radical and new, this idea is far less dangerous than the current plan as it…