Category: Not Just Michigan

Addressing The Stimulus

The left decries the conservative viewpoint that LOGIC should have some bearing in the decision making by our elected leadership.  “Reason” is overrated as it applies to public policy apparently and “feeling good” about what has been done is sufficient…

Ladeees and Gentlemen! Step right UP!

A most magnificent creation as to yet be explained!  Under the shroud is the miracle found nowhere else on earth, it is said to be both male AND female..  It changes color before our eyes! It is the product of…

The Full Faith & Credit of the U.S. Government

I have had my share of friends and borrowers who have said “I would rather owe it to you than cheat you out of it.”  That is pretty much how the US is going to have to deal with the…

Another guess the photo post

Alright, now it’s time for JR to post a photo and have the readers guess what the subject is. Specifically, who can guess who the person on the left is? Mackinac Center guys, please be quiet 😉

The 20 year "Rid Ourselves of Healthcare" Plan..

The rush to implement the biggest spending bill ever, and the senators who have promised to sign the stimulus package into law don’t even know what is in it.  Specter, seemingly surprised at the inclusion of the Health care management…

How Much Stimulus Costs YOU.. Now and Later..

Do the Right thing, an interesting site.. does the math. assume your yearly income $40000.. A family size of 2 it costs you $56,260 with your burden $302 Monthly and annually $3,624total you will pay $108,727 total.. which is a…

New Hampshire gets it right..

A couple of days ago I posted the text of Representative Opsommer’s concurrent resolution in the Michigan house regarding the 10th amendment.  Michigan legislators are not the only ones considering such resolutions, and New Hampshire has it’s own.

Re-Education Camps

WND reports on a proposed bill which establishes population centers controlled by military, not unlike those under Nazi Germany, under the control of the president in certain circumstances. Jerome Corsi documents Rep. Alcee L. Hastings, D-Fla., introduction to the House…

Stimulus Bill HR 1.

The pdf version is available online for your review. 111th congress HR 1 contains a lot of the fun the “bailout bill” had..  Special interest pork and is 647 pages long.. (Notice a trend here?)  I have pulled out a…