Some recent headlines seen in the wake of the murderous rampage of that punk in AZ. After being attacked by media and politicos for 4 days as responsible for the shooters crazed actions, Sarah Palin made the decision to answer…
Tag: Palin
Character and Consequence
When even CATO doesnt get it.
Sigh… From one of my most favorite organization’s participants.. Cato Vice President Gene Healy comments: Palin’s future remains uncertain, but it’s hard to see how her cryptic and poorly drafted resignation speech positions her for a presidential run. Nonetheless, her…
Detroit News Endorses McCain, Takes Pause With Palin?
The Detroit news endorsed the Republican candidate. Not that this created any large buzz, but as Wade over at Wade’s Conservative world puts it: “ I nearly spewed out my coffee.” LOL so true! Aside from a little disrespect for…
McCain Palin really are Michigan's hope for a future.
I have written my Kvetches about John McCain, and any candidate slash politician who has crossed the line my personal convictions wouldnt allow. I have not, nor will I let up on calling out that which I disagree with regard…
Do you believe EVERYTHING because you read it?
Much like the “philosophical” meanderings you would find scratched on the walls of the typical bathroom stall at the airport, bar, restroom at the local elementary school, Daily KOS readers are energized daily with all the truths they need to…
Moore Fun on the Larry King Show.. LIVE FROM TC MICHIGAN!
Again the Palin nomination .. wow Michael Moore in TRAVERSE CITY on Larry King.. at the bowling alley with about 20 people and 3/4 empty lanes.. “Bowling for OBAMA.” Hahahahahahahahahaha! “She is an EXTREMIST” according to Moore. hahahaa He also…
I missed being there Wednesday night at the convention,
But I have the memories of a lifetime. And a realistic understanding of why we MUST have McCain in the oval office. The Palin nomination has inspired both HOPE in the ranks of the true Conservative Republicans, and FEAR in…
Sarah Palin did as she was expected to do. Hit one out of the park, and relegating the other guys into relative obscurity for the moment. Though it doesnt make the SOCIALIST ideas of O… uhh or Joe.. uhh ..THOSE…
Limited Government, Excitement and Blood.
Recently, I was awarded a pass to day two of the Republican Convention. Being a once in a lifetime opportunity, I quickly accepted and made plans. A 12 hour drive, and about 8-10 coke zeros later found myself in the…