The Regional Police State…

Local and regional police departments and units combined into “multi-jurisdictional” combined of supposedly ‘elite’ cops have grown their boundaries, supposed powers, and egos rapidly across the Bay region. These ‘police’ and their local brethren exert their jurisdiction and ‘authority’ both selectively and at their whim…with little or no regard for the citizenry, law, or Constitutional protections afforded to us, as long as the end result is to their satisfaction, and sends their message to the public in spades.

I present as such the example of the TNT…

This unit has been running amuck far to long in the region, growing bolder and more blatant with each ‘success’, and usurping more and more power from local and county police over time with each supposed triumph…after all, they’re cleaning up the drug traffic, right???…

Along with erradicating the Constitution of the State and nation in the process…

It seems the ‘drug of choice’ for these cowboys now is Medical Marijuana…

On February 8th, the Michigan Supreme Court struck down the Archie Kiel conviction on Constitutional grounds, this seems to create a small glitch in the TNT system…several, actually…called the 4th, 5th, and 14th Amendments to the US Constitution. You would presume these public servants charged with protecting and defending it would at least read the thing. Or the law they are attempting to subvert…I mean, enforce…yeah, enforce, that’s what I meant. (Sorry).

Yesterday, I volunteered to witness the release by TNT of “Mrs. Wilson’s Car”…and as a taxpayer, I would assume our illustrious law enforcement folks would be happy to have the public take an interest in their meritorious and honorable works in combatting crime, vicious criminals, and ‘hard core’ drug traffickers….like say, Mrs. Wilson…

Because we had the timerity to escort Marcus Wilson to the Kalkaska County garage and impound lot to retrieve Mrs. Wilson’s car…with cameras, cell phones and video recorders…we were immediately threatened with jail, banned from the county lot, threatened with jail again, and told the Constitution didn’t matter by the detective centrally involved in both the impoundment (without arrest oir charge) and ultimate release (8 months later) of the vehicle in question…I can’t wait to edit and release the videos…

Wonder what the County Sheriff will have to say…

God Bless the Internet…

Tom Backers
Kalkaska Tea Party Patriots

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