Breathalyzers for EVERYONE

In vehicle breathalyzers used for those who might have been unlucky enough to be popped for drunk driving should be made mandatory for everyone.  In fact, now might be the time to automatically impose hunting license fees when folks get their licenses, force child rearing courses on singles, and award pell grants for college tuition …to the dead.

Why not go further, and have doctors suggest chemotherapy.. just in case.

Why would we treat anyone different?  Why would there be any reason?  If we don’t identify the differences no matter how obvious, perhaps a sense of fairness would follow and ‘flowery good will’ shall follow?

Somehow it doesn’t make any sense..  No really..  It doesn’t.

On some things we MUST discriminate.  Its not such a bad word if you don’t let it get hijacked.

Some situations are different, and some situations require different handling.  Some PEOPLE are different as well.

Our  ‘new reality’ has found a set of circumstances requiring a little more vigilance than once upon a time, and travel by plane or train seems to carry the now ever present possibility of uncomfortable termination.  In other words, the bombs, destruction, pain, or other ‘man caused disasters’, seem to require more particular measures often seen as invasive, or intrusive and violations of our constitutional rights.

The first time I  witnessed those measures in-absurdium was a trip several years ago, where my fathers miniature scissors were confiscated from his travel kit before boarding a plane.  The fact that half of the remaining items allowed were potentially more deadly if used in the right way spoke to the manner in which the TSA policies are guided.  I could put a great deal of blame on the workers at the time, but better to look at the briefings they likely receive which they adhere to strictly; a list of items that are not allowed, period.

The nature of the entire affair we see today, with pat downs, scanners, brutal handling by agents who are not trained to handle dissent appropriately, and a top down direction to harass those citizens which decline to participate, once they witness the silliness, drives home the futility of being politically correct.  Arguably, we could be told we are safer but some are not willing to pay the price for that safety.  The price of course being set by an unaccountable government that knows few limits to its actions,  and is driven by ideology being one of equality in results.

It apparently would be unfair to determine that one type of people are more likely to commit heinous acts, even if the statistics can instantly demonstrate that likelihood.

Unfortunately, the instantly hurt feelings suffered by the political and media types of leading class cannot bear the obnoxious ramblings of those who don’t reason.  When the Bush administration controlled the TSA, there was already a language revision in the works to call terrorist acts by the term I have already used; “Man Made Disasters.”  And even now, with multiple attacks or attempts within our own borders by those who espouse the use of terror to rid the world of infidels has its friends in the current administration.

Terrorism of course is too often related to the religion of peace, that wonderful inspirational and highly patriarchal and repressive ‘religion’ that has more of a body count to its conversion rate than most nation disputes throughout history.  The references that attempt to equalize the playing field nearly always revert to the one incident by a misguided and probably mentally unstable Timothy McVeigh.

Attempts of course, that outwardly ignore the difference between mental instability, and the planned ‘infidel obsolescence’ within its course of ideological affairs.

So now we are blessed with all in one solutions that have in effect said to those who dislike our ‘Western world’, “we give up. ” It happens as it becomes our policy, and the guilty are made less so by averaging the treatment they should receive, and instead levying it fully to the innocent.

Indeed, in these times of equality in the name of political correctness, why do we not all simply spend a few days in jail, and forget about judging or sentences altogether, as there is no one left to know right from wrong.  The cowardly approach to pretend safety, might just as well encourage us to make all offenses the problem of no one who actually deserves it.

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