As simple as Bruce Hall’s analysis of Elena Kagan’s nomination process. “we have to pass the bill [confirm the nominee] so that you can find out what is in it [her mind]….” where have we heard that before? His point…
“Meet the Candidates” event in SE Michigan Flat Rock, MI, June 24, 2010 The Campaign Committee for Michigan Conservatives will hold the second in a series of “Meet the Candidates” events Thursday, July 8th at the Flat Rock Community Center…
Do we, or do we not still maintain the most capable military on the planet? I would maintain that we do. I would also suggest that prudent and judicious use of that might requires judgment beyond what became apparent from…
As you may already know, I am running for a seat in the First District of Grand Traverse County as County Commissioner. This last (Father’s Day) weekend I did something i have not done in 20 years. I actually biked…
Perhaps no one has yet noticed the similarity between the name and the amount (percentage) of credit provided to film makers for their “investments” into the Michigan Economy? Could it be possible, the sheer audacity of what now appears to…
A Kalamazoo based operation has a machine that can produce “miles” of material that can clean oil out of water. Jim Hanson of Marketing Technology Service says his company can produce MILES of material that extracts oil from water, and…
30,000 jobs could be lost with tax hikes, but losses eventually moderate to 13,500 if tax cuts phased in Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s tax hike proposal would cost as many as 30,000 Michigan jobs in the first year, according to research…
We have much work to do on fixing what is truly wrong in this country. While collecting signatures for the Michigan Health Care Freedom ballot initiative, we came across many who either support the government run health care boondoggle, or…
I was looking at the portion of the MCL (Michigan Compiled Laws) concerning the carry of concealed firearms. I noticed a couple of interesting things. The first thing (MCL 28.425j), which is concerned with the training program required to get…