Tag: Planning

No Worries – Common Core Will Automatically Place You!

Common core testing will find your life’s meaning. Yup.  Rick Snyder has been traveling around touting the newest component in central planning; the “National Career Readiness Certificate” Michigan: The automotive state launched a Department of Talent and Economic Development on…

A21 In Action – The Delphi Process

A perfect example of how “visioning” works. There is no true public input, but merely choices predetermined by organizers. If you do not like those choices, you aren’t part of the process. How simple.

On Beck’s Agenda 21

Let us entertain you. The Romans did just that. During some of the worst times and under questionable government , Romans were entertained, given food, and kept subservient through all manner of sociological bribery and extravagance. “panem et circenses”, as…

Smart Meters And Agenda 21

There is so much to keep up with. Part of the purpose of agenda 21 as I have explained before, is the socialization of wealth and resources.  The balancing of the haves, with the have-nots. Simultaneously, it is necessary to…

Yet Municipal WiFi Dreams Live On

I Watched the Traverse City Schools cut a lot of folks out last night. I also watched the East Bay Township begin the process for mis-allocation of future tax dollars through its approval of another process of funding for a…