Tag: Malkin

Video Response To Michelle Malkin

Sorry Michelle, this time I disagree.

I am willing to give latitude to any of the Republican Primary candidates on minor gaffs, as any one of them are not running for Jesus.  And I don’t get the sling on Cain that you have thrown, especially given the absolute nothingness of content in your post.  Bought off?  Confused? Major life change? What’s up?

Usually your biggest fan, but on Cain we part ways.  I realize there are those on every political perspective who fail to self consider, and you will likely move a few in the direction of your opinion, but after the downgrade in support particularly after the man has been beat over the head with false accusations, I feel respect for your opinion slipping away.

I hope this video gives you a little to think on.

Michelle, know the difference between politician and problem solvers.

Best Quote Of The Night

Worth every byte, Michelle Malkin quips: “There’s no danger for the Democrats in agreeing to a vote on a balanced budget amendment this year or next year.  A balanced budget amendment requirement that has the life span of a mayfly…

Detroit's renewal might be solved by a great citizenship boondoggle

Detroit has had its population shrink over the last several years. Decay, driven by a shrinking manufacturing base and lack of leadership in Detroit and Lansing have allowed this once great metropolis to achieve full blown bankrupt third world status…