Detroit's renewal might be solved by a great citizenship boondoggle

Detroit has had its population shrink over the last several years. Decay, driven by a shrinking manufacturing base and lack of leadership in Detroit and Lansing have allowed this once great metropolis to achieve full blown bankrupt third world status in a matter of a few short years.  But HEY  a solution is on the horizon!!  If it isn’t good enough for our citizens, then maybe people from other parts of the world might find it suitable..

Michelle Malkin’s most recent post puts the exclamation mark on the housing/credit crisis, and reminds us how well government works..  er.. well.. how well it becomes worked..  A post at the top of her recent entry reads:  (the grammatical/spelling errors left in for posterity)

“The US government has allocated 10 000 such visas nation-wide for potential investors in real esate, under a programme approved by the US Congress. Florida’s is the first such programme that has actively been given the green light to commence. Specialists in the field argue that this is the best time to invest and purchase property in America, as prices in some states have been slashed by as much as 25 per cent. Experts argue that within three years’ time, however, the market will stabilise and prices will rise.”

And this isnt the first time this has popped up.  She has written on the very same program nearly eight years ago, calling attention to the way we have become sold out by our leadership.

I can see it now..  “Come to Detroit, its a little more like home, but its in the US!”