Tag: Mackinac Island

Captive Industry

The term “Shooting fish in a barrel” comes to mind. After the Mackinac Island council raised their “protection fee” from a 2.5% vig up to the 7%, other servicing communities have realized they too, can plug a few easy shots…

The Falacy Of Monopolies

What is a monopoly?  Is it a bad thing?  Should government be attempting to stop monopolies, protect against them, or should they get out of the way?  What about when the government CREATES the monopoly? A proper perspective on this…

This Is NOT Supposed To Happen HERE.. – Updated!

The time has come for all good men to rise above principle.  ~ Huey Long mmm? This thing reads like a screenplay for a movie about graft and corruption and most certainly those who find themselves at odds with abusive…