Tag: fraud

Word Of The Day – Anthropogenic

Probably the only times you will see it used is with regard to the climate change debate. Anthropogenic means “born of man” and has Greek origins, and its most common use is within the scientific community as a label defining…

Voter Integrity Under Attack?

Alaska’s win by a Tea Party styled Republican candidate Joe Miller seems to have brought out the worst in the political arena. Unacceptable.

Fake Tea Party Candidate Unaware He Is Running.

Whomever put their pen in place of the actual candidate for a certain county commissioner race in Oakland county, could be in some serious trouble. The unexpected discovery that a person running on “the tea party” slate didn’t even realize…

Defining Fraud – CEO Compensation vs. Performance

Amidst the sorting congress will have to do, is an issue many taxpayers who are currently being put at risk are concerned about.  Namely, “how in the hell do those CEOs rate multi million dollar go away presents when the…