Tag: democrats

Socialism & Obama Supporters, Stealing A Way of Life

I have a video, brought to me by a local farmer which shows a theft from his roadside fruit  stand.  The video shows a woman and her kids (or grand kids) pulling up to a roadside fruit stand owned by…

Not a SINGLE Democrat signed this.. (not even O-Who)

This is copied over from Human events I am not ashamed to post this nearly exactly as I have found it. Sen. John McCain’s 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial…

How Republicans fail… and what they need to do.

The Democrats and Republicans have survived over the years pandering to many different interest segments in our society, but none has been quite as successful as that which has put the wealthier at odds with the needy.  Democrats have successfully…

BLAME is as important as ever.. And Useful

“We are in the midst of a crisis” a call which is being well heard by investors and anyone who cares how government respects its constitutional authority.  In the midst of the maelstrom of moneyed mayhem, we find a few…

Ray Schoenke, the guy in the "Obama loves gun owners" advertisements..

I previously discussed an ad which had a “gun owner” Now airing in PA and Michigan.  The apparent speaker of the ad is the president of a “hunter and shooter” organization.  Wow! that lends credibility!  Or Does it.  While many…

Do you believe EVERYTHING because you read it?

Much like the “philosophical” meanderings you would find scratched on the walls of the typical bathroom stall at the airport, bar, restroom at the local elementary school, Daily KOS readers are energized daily with all the truths they need to…