Its Time To Start Drinking.. Or At Least Start Partying..

The hangover is already starting… The markets are down on the presumption that at any point the federal government can walk in and nationalize the business, bank, enterprise you own stock in thus diluting its value with forced actions.  The headaches, along with blurred vision of what this country might look like in a few short years have arrived ahead of any partying to note.

Yessir, the hangover is already starting.. but we haven’t had a thing to drink.  So now its time to sit back with some friends on the porch, talk about old times, and pet the hound dog.  Tell Nanna straight lemonade wont cut it on a day like today.. oh no…



The barrels are well seasoned, and the whiskey though young, can sure make the pain of this presidency seem a little further off..  at least for a little while..

But if you arent into drinking, and particularly dont like the O-Who brand, but still like to party, there are places to do it.  Michelle Malkin has been keeping track of the nationwide grassroot efforts.

Michigan Taxes Too Much has also participated in the last round of tea parties, but hoo doggy the leftie elitists sure didnt like that! In fact they came out with all sorts of conspiracy theories to explain away the grass root efforts of people who are sick of being stolen from.  People, like the organizers of the Michigan Tea Party event, Who in three days added to the THOUSANDS countrywide protesting the theft by our oppressive federal government.

Of course we are now ready for Round II which is on TAX DAY 2009. So put down the bottle long enough to whip up the creativity for those cool signs that tell washington to go to hell, and make plans to join, organize, assist, and generally have a good time with others who just want to have that monkey of govt off their backs.