Tag: Michigan

The Right To Work Comments In The Interview

A couple weeks ago during a trip to Lansing for a counter rally, I was interviewed by WNEM out of Saginaw.  WNEM interviewed a number of the protesters gathered at the state capitol, and gave a little time to the…

Tools of the ‘trade’

Reposted from Rightmichigan.com I wrote about coercion the other day. In fact, I argue the contracts that are a part of the public employee arrangement are the result of coercive measures; that they are in fact “coercive contracts.” That they…

Politics Apparently..

No worries folks! I have not backed down on fiscal responsibility issues, or work on returning the proper role of government, as the result of the coordinated effort to try and take my voice away. The most recent letters to…

Legislative meandering of the day..

Stuff. Well maybe a little more than stuff. Keeping an eyeball on the goodies promoted from within our Michigan lawmaking apparatus. Some of it intrusive, some self serving, some of it very likely to have been crafted for anti competitive…

DHS Director Corrigan: They Are NOT Employees

State of Michigan to Stop Illegal ‘Union Dues’ Withdrawals From Checks to Home-Based Day Care Providers ‘Fantastic news’ needs to be coupled with legislative action to prevent similar schemes in the future, says Mackinac Center attorney MIDLAND — A spokesperson for…

The Saturday Rally

What we have here, is a couple of great young patriots. The three between myself and their mom are merely three of thirteen siblings.  Given the good sense I have seen through Anna’s writing and opinion, added to their willingness…

Tea party Saturday 02-26-11

WHAT: a tea party to show support for those governors who are trying to balance their state’s budgets. Time: February 26, 2011 from 12pm to 2pm Location: Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan More information as it becomes available.  

Tea Party Rally Tomorrow! 02-22-11

Southwest Michigan Patriots Tea Party Rally Lansing, Tuesday Feb. 22nd From 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. State Capitol, West Side along Walnut St. Dear Jason, Most of probably are aware of what is happening in Madison, Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker is…

Michigan Legislative Wednesday 02-16-11

Observations were done at a glance.  My comments are in bold. Feel free to add your remarks. Wednesday, February 16, 2011 Introduced HB 4260 of 2011 Employment security; benefits; look-back period for extended benefits; revise. Amends sec. 64 of 1936…

Eliminate The MBT – Rankings Improve Immediately

Replacing Michigan Business Tax With Flat Corporate Income Tax Would Improve Tax Foundation Corporate Tax Ranking >From 48th to 22nd Eliminating the MBT completely and offsetting it with spending cuts would create a conservatively estimated 120,000-plus jobs by 2016, analyst…