Tag: Inflation

Granholm's (continuing) Folly..

In the Michigan 2010 fiscal year budget, under revenue estimates, there is a distinct note of denial in that the consequence of the tax INCREASE in October 2007 is actually perpetuating the decline in revenue. But lets not let a…

The Full Faith & Credit of the U.S. Government

I have had my share of friends and borrowers who have said “I would rather owe it to you than cheat you out of it.”  That is pretty much how the US is going to have to deal with the…

How Much Stimulus Costs YOU.. Now and Later..

Do the Right thing, an interesting site.. does the math. assume your yearly income $40000.. A family size of 2 it costs you $56,260 with your burden $302 Monthly and annually $3,624total you will pay $108,727 total.. which is a…

Stimulus Bill HR 1.

The pdf version is available online for your review. 111th congress HR 1 contains a lot of the fun the “bailout bill” had..  Special interest pork and is 647 pages long.. (Notice a trend here?)  I have pulled out a…