CAFE du Michigan Workers

While fewer and fewer folks are able to retain jobs in this paradise of paradises, the elite trudge on to create “more of the same…” or perhaps not?  Don’t hold your breath folks, and DON’T let those Senators out of your “sights” for one minute, as they will bolt for the proverbial “back door border” of politics (read: “this will sting a little” ) the minute you turn your head to cough..

Michigan’s “Middle class” now has sampled the sweet and edible delight that is charity.   While congress proceeds to destroy what is left of our economy, they most certainly wouldn’t want to leave Michigan workers, those middle class heroes that have BUILT this country out of their process.  For without the loss of our manufacturing, the Cloward-Pliven Strategy of “takeover” could only be less than complete!

As the Wall Street Journal reports:

Michigan has long struggled with poverty and unemployment in its urban areas. But the spread of financial hardship has been jarring for a region where the manufacturing-based economy once provided for high wages and comfortable middle-class lifestyles.

They point out the pantries are serving folks who once donated to the food banks themselves..

These very same middle class workers have been providers to the shelters, food banks, and other outreach groups for sometime.  For much of the poverty support community, they have made the life and death differences for many years, and now must ride the same cart, pulled by fewer mules.

The “must know” questions of the day is/are why?

Why would a legislative body vote to advance job killing measures such as the “Cap & Trade” bill passed recently all the while looking at higher costs that are clearly known at this time?

Why would our governor not call for a halt to such measures.  Measures which do more damage to Michigan with a higher percentage of manufacturing jobs than most states?

Why would we allow our leadership to enact laws which are unread, unstudied, unknown to us or even them?

Why would the Media, which in the past has touted its bell ringing alarmist activity, not make the connection of enacted law to the effect it bears?

Why do we allow it.. any of it.. at all?

Questions, ALWAYS have answers.  Sometimes however, those answers are not what we want to hear, see, or know.  The idea that randomness is always in play can be somewhat comforting to a mind not ready to realize the depth to which our “leadership” will descend in order to secure a more defined future for themselves.

Michigan may only see the victims, the survivors, or the players who assemble picking up the pieces of what was once the most robust economy in the nation. But can it see the direction from which the damage came from?  Are the people as a whole ready to face the reality that government, both State and Federal is not currently our friend, it provides little but an excuse to remain destitute and dependent.

It is time to END Corporate Average Fuel Economy mandates.

It is time to THROW OUT All “climate change” initiatives.

It is time to ELIMINATE DEPENDENCE on foreign fossil fuels by growing our exploration here.

It is time to ELIMINATE broad cradle to grave protections offered by our federal and state governments.

It is time to STOP FEEDING the beast of debt which now threatens to consume our economy, the beast that turns all of our efforts, into those done in vain.

Doing so will return us rapidly to a point where we can manage the needs of our impoverished on a local accountable level more easily.  It will limit the effect of the chicken little craziness which has gripped the nation through poor scientific understanding. It will allow us to return to a state of competitiveness in the world, and keep our workers productive.

It will allow us to see once again the true meaning of liberty, prosperity, and self reliance.

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