TWELVE Years Of Freedom
Twelve years less in the pokey perhaps for the violent offenders.. Simply to let those of us who dont want more taxes to know we have to face the consequences of our desires.
ELEVENTH Chapter -a- Pardoned…

Extended credit for the two automakers in trouble right now.. Of course in another month the reality will be faced by an incoming administration that there IS NO CURE, other than that the reality of Reorganizational Bankruptcy is needed to help GM and Chrysler shake off the cancer preventing it from actually being run as a business should.. By its owners.
TEN Films on Dancing

Ten Films on Dancing, Dance Moves, Dancers, Dances with Moose.. You get the picture.. Boy making a film in Michigan sure is GREAT!!
NINE Players Playing…
Of course the nine players arent playing HERE any more..
EIGHT Hand Picked Winners..
SEVEN Stores a closing
SIX Newly Homeless..
FIVE Golden Brews!!!!!!!

Five Brews to start a several year binge to forget that we have lost control of our Michigan government.
FOUR Foreign Junkets

FOUR Foreign Junkets - Ostensibly for the sake of Jobs in Michigan. Enjoy your taxpayer funded vacations governor.. Things will be better when you are gone.
THREE Brand New Troubles..

Chrysler Ford and General Motors face serious effects of Governmental Tampering in what should be FREE Markets