As mentioned here before, The Mackinac Center for Public Policy is hosting a panel discussion at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 21, 2010, in the Oakland County Commissioners Auditorium to look at how new media outlets are changing the political landscape.…
I had mentioned before that the Michigan Supreme Court remanded the day care unionization case Loar v. DHS to the Michigan Court of Appeals for an explanation of its rejection of the lawsuit, which claims that the unionization of Michigan’s…
Perhaps no one has yet noticed the similarity between the name and the amount (percentage) of credit provided to film makers for their “investments” into the Michigan Economy? Could it be possible, the sheer audacity of what now appears to…
30,000 jobs could be lost with tax hikes, but losses eventually moderate to 13,500 if tax cuts phased in Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s tax hike proposal would cost as many as 30,000 Michigan jobs in the first year, according to research…
If you have not yet had the opportunity to get over to Capitol Confidential, now is as good a time as any. With original reporting spawned by research of the Mackinac Center and other leading news sources around the state,…
Beck’s new book borrows title, premise from theory developed by Center scholar MIDLAND — Mackinac Center President Joseph G. Lehman is scheduled to appear live on The Glenn Beck Program during the 10 a.m. hour EDT (or second hour if…
Claims of ‘concessions’ and doing ‘more with less’ are unsupported, misleading or false The Michigan Education Association is airing television and radio advertisements that are misleading the public, according to Michael Van Beek, director of education policy at the Mackinac…