Tag: Granholm

Its five years.. Almost.

Tonight we protest the lamest duck. Governor Jennifer Granholm will be remembered as Michigan’s worst governor.. ever.  She is the poster child for the new democrats, the far left socialist, control and micro manage fairness crowd.  Here, and in other…

Rally Tomorrow February 03, 2010

It may be cold, but the fire is still burning as there will be a tea party at the capitol. Former Representative Jack Hoogendyk writes: Come show Lansing that the light of liberty still burns brightly in the hearts of…

In the face of FRAUD… Mea Culpa Mrs Mulhern?

In 2007, an important executive order was signed by our governor Jennifer Granholm based on some bogus scientific facts ginned up by a cult organized effort of those who would benefit from relieving us of our “cheap” energy sources and…

Climategate for Dummies

The American Thinker does an outstanding job explaining the global warming deception by Mann, Jones, et el.. As the mainstream media move from abject denial to dismissive whitewashing, CRU co-conspirators move to Copenhagen for tomorrow’s UN climate meeting, intent on…


Gov. Jennifer Granholm will speak from 9:15 to 10 a.m. Thursday in the Charles V. Park Library Auditorium regarding the status of the Michigan Promise. Central MI University, Charles V. Park Library Auditorium (989) 774-3500 http://www.cmich.edu/Visit/Campus_Map.htm The MICHIGAN PROMISE GRANT…

Countdown To Shutdown.. A Horror Story

Michigan Legislators pay close attention..  Its not the governor you need to make happy right now. The voters are assembling, as they did yesterday at the Ciccone vineyard. Gathering as a “mob” sans only the pitchforks and torches.  The monster…

Quote Of The Day..

Governor Jennifer Granholm at a 5 o’clock briefing in Lansing yesterday while discussing the reasoning behind an additional per-pupil proration cut of $127 for fiscal year 2010.. “We’ve never seen times like this in Michigan” uh.. yeah..  about that.. And…

What Kind Of Tax Increases Will They Be???

This is how the brilliance of the left solves problems like HIGH Medical costs…  At least a couple of good conscience are standing up for us..  Of all the insane, untimely, insipid, (add your own here) ideas…. GOP blasts Democrats’…

Words from Jeffrey Immelt…

In late June, General Electric’s CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, was in Michigan announcing an investment where GE will bring 1,100 jobs to the Michigan economy. He had a few things to say.. A selection of his quotables below..  along with a…

Hello.. IS THIS THING ON??!!

Not like I have advocated the judicious pursuit of a solid fiscal policy in this state among other common topics.  I surely haven’t spent any time suggesting the higher taxes are not only counter productive to state coffers and general…