Category: Real Discussion II

What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?

Pure Michigan

Doing my own sightseeing in the district I would like to represent.  I have an entire series of these shots taken about 10 seconds apart for 20 minutes straight.. I intend on doing a picture video at some point of…

The Booth

Worked a second night at the county fair. When I arrived, It was about 95 degrees outside,  quite humid, and the Zellers were happy to see the replacement crew (me) arrive.  So happy in fact, they were willing to pose…

The Convention

MY first Republican COUNTY convention.  The Grand Traverse County Convention. My very first experience as a precinct delegate, and it was that for a great number of folks as well.  Normally vacant slots in each of the township selections were…

No Big Deal Right?

I started writing this at 8:45. The phone call for the scheduled radio interview has not yet happened.  It was going to come in between 8-9 for the radio interview. Things happen.. its all good. The formation of a political…

Blogging, Breaking News, And Beck.

Its been a busy year. In fact, between keeping the business afloat, deaths of family and friends, and personal political bids, its amazing I can even find the wherewithal to think, much less put those thoughts into readable and coherent…

RightMichigan.Com Founder Nick De Leeuw To Tie The Knot.

It looks like my good friend Nick De Leeuw has decided to tie the knot.  Apparently he has run down to the local sundries store bought the little engagement test kit, and it turned blue, meaning he is engaged to…

Time Banking? Maybe The Lefties DO Get It – Or Maybe Not

A recent TV News story about folks in Woodstock has me asking once again:  “Where in blazes can I find critical thinking anymore?” It surely cannot be in the traditional media outlets any longer.  No one knows which questions to…

Cops gone wild, and no, you can’t videotape them

One of the writers for Reason Magazine that I like to follow is Radley Balko. His focus is mostly on, well, Cops acting like d-bags and other assorted lunacy when it comes to law enforcement. Although his “best known” stuff…

Because I Need A Laugh.

Apologies to the great Gonzo.. This was the corner of FRONT (edited – Previously said 8th.. doh..)and Garfield in Traverse City, Michigan on Aug 03.  These folks are some AWESOME supporters of their candidates, and were dancing in 90-95 degree…