Doing my own sightseeing in the district I would like to represent. I have an entire series of these shots taken about 10 seconds apart for 20 minutes straight.. I intend on doing a picture video at some point of…
Category: Real Discussion II
What can we do? How can we fight? What solutions can we bring to the table?
Jason Allen Concedes Avoids Recount (updated – Benishek responds)
The Booth
The Convention
No Big Deal Right?
Blogging, Breaking News, And Beck.
RightMichigan.Com Founder Nick De Leeuw To Tie The Knot.
Time Banking? Maybe The Lefties DO Get It – Or Maybe Not
Cops gone wild, and no, you can’t videotape them
One of the writers for Reason Magazine that I like to follow is Radley Balko. His focus is mostly on, well, Cops acting like d-bags and other assorted lunacy when it comes to law enforcement. Although his “best known” stuff…