Category: Real Discussion

Sticking to the facts..

There has been quite a bit of buzz regarding Nancy Pelosi’s investment in CLNE, but on a couple of blogs the numbers seemed to jump to where I was getting lost .  It is important that much of this is…

She got it Cheaper

The initial filing ….. $4? $3.86 a share?? Some other folks picking up a little on the dark side of this. at Bizzy Blog

Vaseline, plastics, etc..

Oil Prices, like EVERY other commodity are based on availability.  When the availability drops, prices reflect it to the point where people are willing to pay. I am not sure if we could EVER say it enough or with enough…


Nancy Pelosi up until now has been considered “untouchable. ”  And while I have fretted over the high cost of fuel for myself and those I care about, she jets back to the great big socialist plantation known as California. …

It's the Stupid in the economy again.

An interesting read at Right Michigan. Prompts me to write.. Our politicians need to learn a little of cause and effect. Aside from the language in the constitution protecting the royalties from natural gas and oil from Michigan owned lands,…

More Gas

In a prior post, I told you about a possible profit motive by Nancy Pelosi. I thought it might be educational to post the actual proposal: California Clean Alternative Fuel Initiatve. And though the proposal is for California to spend…

Giving us Gas.

A search thorough her personal financial statements gives a clue to Pelosi’s recent actions (or inaction) with regard to energy policy. Pelosi, showing in her financial disclosures that in May of 2007, she purchased (on the opening public offering apparently)…

The "Bouncer"

Who gets to decide whether YOUR Michigan business fits the model preferred by the state? An article at Right Michigan Drives home the point that our elected officials tend to think of Michigan as a poorly decorated house in need…

You ever have a fight with your brother?

I have 4 of them. And though we philosophically are more alike than not, we do have minor nuances in our political and general beliefs of the world around us. When we have fought as kids, we have torn each…

Da UP Stupak Missing An Opportunity?

If you are in Alpena, Cheboygan, or over the Mighty Mack in ALL of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, you have to the unique opportunity to generally live live free of large city problems, urban issues, and breathe clean air. The upper…