Category: Real Discussion

One business which seems to be thriving..

A morning commercial drives home the inadequacy, or even more accurately the evil side of government.  The “Tax Sale Directory” is now on sale!  Never mind that for someone to get a “sweet deal,” someone else must first be a…

Stimulus Bill HR 1.

The pdf version is available online for your review. 111th congress HR 1 contains a lot of the fun the “bailout bill” had..  Special interest pork and is 647 pages long.. (Notice a trend here?)  I have pulled out a…


Anyone who is a regular reader (god bless you) knows how I feel about this country placing a socialist in power over our military, and as the figurehead for our nation.  I make no excuses for my comments, and hold…

Why the Republicans lost

The following is actually a piece I wrote the other day as a writing sample. I’m attempting to get a gig writing a column for the school rag, and It’s been a while since I wrote anything of size, so…

Remakes – The same old story

Though there has been SOME support going into the new presidency, Conservatives and those of us on the right have made our point.. already.  We have called out the “one” as what he is, a Marxist, Extreme Liberal Leftist, and…

Just had to do one more thing..

Apparently on his way out, Bush thought it would be a good idea to give into Adrian Fenty’s demands that a state of emergency be declared so that DC could get more federal money for the inauguration. Oh yeah, of…

Detroit's renewal might be solved by a great citizenship boondoggle

Detroit has had its population shrink over the last several years. Decay, driven by a shrinking manufacturing base and lack of leadership in Detroit and Lansing have allowed this once great metropolis to achieve full blown bankrupt third world status…

More on the climate change SCAM

Michigan’s Governor Jennifer Granholm has “latched on” to the false promise of renewable energy as a job creator for Michigan.  The loons on the left lay lavish praise on our lady of Lansing, for leveraging our liberties and our last…

How you frame it..

Many other bloggers follow the “global warming”: fraud a little more closely.  Crippy, while listing a few resources and recognizing the benefits of CO2 production in these frigid times says: “Leave your car on during the night, leave the lights…

Stossel tells it as it is: correct

I’d editorialize on my own a bit more usually, but John Stossel hit it on the head damn good with this whole Bernie Madoff thing. Read the following two articles to see what I’m talking about. Madoff is a piker…