Category: Real Discussion

Cox Receives Gratz Endorsement

The Macomb Daily is reporting Jen Gratz the affirmative action challenging individual has indeed endorsed AG Mike Cox for his Gubernatorial bid. “In this day and age when other politicians run for the tall grass immediately, he came out right…

A Real Treat For Halloween

Typically Halloween is a somewhat fun time to get a little goofy with costumes, and for Kids it means candy, candy, and more candy. I loved the candy.. Personally, my memories of Halloween include those times when I started as…

STOP GITMO Detainee Transfer to Michigan – Car Alarm Protest

Below (link) is a petition to stop the transfer of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (“Gitmo”) detainees to Michigan, please get this out to all Michiganders ASAP. If these guys get here, the ACLU will get them visitation rights and then it will only be…

You Betcha.. Newt Turned Out To Be One Of Those..

I have commented before about my disappointment in someone I had considered a relatively safe mouthpiece for the conservative movement.  When Nancy was Screwing the country in 2008 not allowing a vote on Drilling, Newt sat down on the couch…

Countdown To Shutdown.. A Horror Story

Michigan Legislators pay close attention..  Its not the governor you need to make happy right now. The voters are assembling, as they did yesterday at the Ciccone vineyard. Gathering as a “mob” sans only the pitchforks and torches.  The monster…

Word Of The Day.. "Dichotomy"

Dichotomy – noun “division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought and action.” An event that is going to happen “internationally,” the “350” festival demonstrates the doorknob mentality of the left, and its inability to…

Michael Tanner Of Cato To Discuss ‘Obamacare’

Students for a Free Economy co-hosting East Lansing event EAST LANSING — Students for a Free Economy and the Michigan State University chapter of Young Americans for Liberty will co-host Michael Tanner of the Cato Institute at 7 p.m. on…

Quote Of The Day..

Governor Jennifer Granholm at a 5 o’clock briefing in Lansing yesterday while discussing the reasoning behind an additional per-pupil proration cut of $127 for fiscal year 2010.. “We’ve never seen times like this in Michigan” uh.. yeah..  about that.. And…

Tax Protest THIS WEEKEND! Leelanau County!

— countdown to shutdown — TAX PROTEST Sunday – 10/25 – 3 pm CICCONE VINEYARD & WINERY 10343 E Hilltop Rd – Suttons Bay Come tell your State Legislators: “it’s time to do your job and BALANCE THE BUDGET with…

Forum On Canadian Health Care Comparisons This Monday!

Mackinac Center Hosting Forum on Canadian Health Care, Impact of “Universal Care” Stars of Mackinac Center Videos warn against nationalized health care MIDLAND — The Mackinac Center for Public Policy will host a health care forum at noon Monday (Oct.…