Whereas the US Congress, which is controlled primarily by liberal forces who will not allow the “peoples work” to be done, and Whereas Michigan’s Conservative Core of congressional representatives has given up valuable personal time to stay in Washington, and…
Category: Proclamations
Much like the Governors own.. and equally as tacky.
Spring Has Sprung Day
Whereas, It reached 60 degrees farenheit in Traverse City and, Whereas I was able to go out without a jacket for the first time today and, Whereas I was able to spend over an hour in my light Hawaiian style…
"Kids Are People Too" Day
Whereas our legislature took their marbles home with them earlier in the week, in the month, in the year… and Whereas Michigan’s economic future as usual is at stake, and Whereas the House leadership didn’t want to play nice on…
Give me a break?
Whereas I, as a business owner, would have more money on hand for investment and growth, so it will happen faster, creating more opportunity for me to create additional positions, and employ others looking for work and, Whereas I, as…
OOPS! She did it again day
Whereas taxation was already high and, Whereas MORE was added to the backs of the Michigan taxpayer by untrustworthy actions and, Whereas the burden has reached a point where sacrifice has to be made and, Whereas now there are local…
Legislative Sore Bottom day
Whereas there has been great disagreement amongst peers in the house of representatives and, Whereas the Senate also has lost consensus and, Whereas The two have sat face to face and side by side for long hours with deep soul…
Whereas, Declarations of status endowed upon any week, month and in some instances years have been many, and Whereas, Michigan is losing its relevance by actions of its governor and proclamation’s by said governor are meaningless and trite, and Whereas,…