Category: A Lighter Side

Pine, The other other other White meat…

AP – Naubinway Hull Farley Runs a small timbering business which is about to see a boom time. Farley, as well as a number of other northern Michigan tree cutters has been contacted by the Michigan Department of Agriculture about…

My Ten Favorite Michigan Government Laws (surely will soon be enacted)

10. The Feed the homeless cows on Mackinac Island act. 9. Michigan’s new harvest growing coconuts subsidy. 8. DEQ no sand on the beach penalty enforcement legislation. 7. “Animals are people” too veterinary insurance mandate. 6. Bubble Pipe ban, providing…

Michigan people are so broke..

Michigan ppl are so Broke.. Walmart is the new “sharper image” Michigan ppl are soo Broke.. We dig through Canadian Trash dumpsters for supper Michigan ppl are sooo Broke.. Even dog food is saved as “dessert” Michigan ppl are soooo…

Some One liners for you..

Though taxes arent funny..  I hope these one liners help you get your point across.. “My kids braces are on the governor’s kids teeth” “Government is so deep in my pockets, I have no place to put my car keys”…