Author: JGillman

For crying out loud Bill… Shut Up already.

Bill Milliken quoted as being: “disappointed by McCain’s personal attacks on Democratic opponent.”  Oh gosh.. Golly gee sorry that we aren’t allowed to attack “The One.”  Let me point out another quote..  One that few have heard him say, though…

My Letter to the Consumer Federation of California

My name is Jason Gillman.  I discovered Proposition 10 while doing some research on a curious May 25th 2007 IPO investment by San Francisco area politician Nancy Pelosi.  I am sure you have heard of her.

Substance ignored.. as it was in Michigan.

Michigan saw the warning signs in 2006.  The re-election of Jennifer Granholm was engineered around her ability to influence people around her, and the people in the state as a whole.  Her CHARISMA and charm well noted and documented in…

Not a SINGLE Democrat signed this.. (not even O-Who)

This is copied over from Human events I am not ashamed to post this nearly exactly as I have found it. Sen. John McCain’s 2006 demand for regulatory action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could have prevented current financial…

Schauer decides dishonesty is OK!

The Mark Schauer Campaign has decided to do what seems to be the new standard for the Democrat party.  If they do not have a good message of their own, they lie.  Tim Walberg, one of FEW who did not…

At least we had a sunny day.

The Stock market continued to tank today.  Some might claim it was government jumping in to do what it OUGHT NOT DO, but although I am inclined to believe, I still think it may have more to do with the…

Recruiting in Michigan part II

Allow me to elaborate on an article written this morning, On reading the article, one of my colleagues asked.. “so whats the problem?  Why is it bad that we have someone helping those who are looking for Jobs?”  A reasonable…

Michigan Paying for Nebraska Talent Scouts?

In an apparent attempt to reduce the Michigan unemployment rate, and perhaps do a little political face saving, the Granholm administration has a NEBRASKA recruiting agency is setting up in the Traverse City Michigan Works! office today, and in Kalkaska…

McCain Palin really are Michigan's hope for a future.

I have written my Kvetches about John McCain, and any candidate slash politician who has crossed the line my personal convictions wouldnt allow.  I have not, nor will I let up on calling out that which I disagree with regard…

Michigan Supreme Court Too Important

To risk throwing to those who are trying to undermine our Democratic Republic. This election cycle, consider ther will be unbelievable fraud attempted in our state by ACORN and other socialist pro Obama groups.  A strong sense of LAW versus…