Pay attention. “Mandatory outcomes” noted. “Collective water” Noted “Environmental justice” Noted “Regional Governance abolishes LOCAL governance” NOTED. Straight up A21 here folks.
Cross posted from RightMichigan.Com Troy had the right idea, and the right Mayor. Once upon a time. Mayor Janice Daniels in December of 2011 led the opposition in the Troy City Council for an $8.5 million train depot for good…
WHO: Students for Life of America WHAT: Students for Life of America National Conference WHEN: 9:30am – 9:00pm, Saturday, January 26 WHERE: North Bethesda Marriott, 5701 Marinelli Rd., Bethesda, MD 20852 The annual Students for Life of America (SFLA) conference…
Republic Services Files Unfair Labor Practices Charge against International Brotherhood of Teamsters “When It Comes to Trusting Local Unions, Teamsters Say One Thing but Do Another“ Republic Services of Southeast Michigan, serving approximately 265,000 homes in Metro-Detroit and more than…
Barack Obama now starts year five. Never in my life would I have imagined a presidential inauguration that contained reference to those with specific sexual proclivities as a class worthy of ‘equal rights’. “Our journey is not complete until our…
Clearly the Traverse City Record Eagle editors have “Gillman on the mind”. Nearly a full month out from the last commission meeting attended, their editorial writers attack once more. The Editorial: “Gillman’s rant shows his true colors” begins as a…
(Sterling Heights, MI – January 15) The Fair Tax Act of 2013 was re-introduced on January 3rd to the U.S. House and garnered a record number of legislators to Cosponsor upon introduction. The 53 original Cosponsors included some previous Cosponsors and…
Teacher Union Bosses Pressuring School Boards into Renegotiating Contracts in Rush Effort to Deny Teachers the Freedom to Work LANSING, MI, January 11, 2012 –The Foundation for Michigan Freedom today issued a a memo to school board members (it references…
More than 29 percent of Michigan’s total cigarette consumption in 2011 was smuggled into the state, according to Center analysts MIDLAND — The Mackinac Center for Public Policy today released its latest estimates for cigarette smuggling rates in 47 of…