This is something I worked up a couple years ago, when Oprah Winfrey helped the most miserable excuse for a man become president of our country. The billionaire is throwing her money around again, this time to help Jon Stewart’s…
The tea parties have been just a start. They have awakened the patriots in all of us, and certainly sparked a few ventures with customized shirts, hats, bumper stickers. In fact, even the bus companies, which had seen a downturn…
1. GO TO U.S. CAPITOL at 12 noon EST If you can make it to D.C., stand up with the other patriots who will be standing with Representative Bachman. At 12:30, everyone will sing “God Bless America.” After singing with Patriots…
Peace and love, and the sheer joy of knowing you are with those who won’t judge you because you are handicapped, a little obese or just plain Nascar loving hicks from fly over country. THAT was the feeling of attending…
CaspiTurned the dogs loose in the compound, grabbed my tin foil hat and coat and am heading for the bus loading point. We are headed to Washington DC for a tea party the likes no one has ever seen, to…
Its that time.. be a part of history that throws down the gauntlet. Washington DC September 12, 2009 Tea party. We will be filling one bus from TC, and others in the SE part of the State. Lets do this.…