370-member “Students Against GSRA Unionization” joins Melinda Day in opposing effort to unionize graduate student research assistants MIDLAND — The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation late yesterday submitted a brief on behalf of more than 370 University of Michigan graduate student…
Tag: Unions
Perfect Example Of Union Thuggishness
This story is being used as an ad for the Romney campaign. Like many of the stories that point out the failure of progressive politics it reveals the bullying aspect of the far left and their ‘compassion’ for their fellow man.
Anyone who thinks progressivism is patriotic needs medicating.
Editorial Bias and Purposeful Omission
As many here may know, Michigan is one of the bluest of blue states in the country. Historically, Right-To-Work has been talked about and immediately dismissed as improbable, if not impossible for Michigan, as it has been dominated by the…
Accountability Is Key
I’ll be the first one beating the drums for our natural rights. A sign held in a recent commission meeting read “Collective Bargaining Is A Human right”. I must agree with that. It is indeed. As a right, we enjoy…
Right And Proper
How do we treat each other? When is it OK to bring up ideas in an elected body? What venue should be more finite in its representation of electors than the next? And who decides what is appropriate, if not…
Sarah Palin, Granholm, and FOIA
Sometimes precedent is a beautiful thing. Many of us have wondered for years about who’s agenda it was that Jennifer Granholm pursued? It certainly was not one that favored business or any type of prosperity for the state of Michigan,…
Discussion On RTW
The panel here discusses RTW (Right To Work) and the NLRB issue with SC. One commenter notes how he was threatened with a crushed head by the teamsters when he worked in Michigan, if he would have crossed the picket…
Bernero calls off police assistance to MSP
Things that don’t really make you go HMM… From WWMT channel Three: Multiple credible sources tell Newschannel 3 that MSP had an agreement with Lansing Police for support in case things got out of hand. But when MSP needed help…
The Right To Work Comments In The Interview
Feeling The Love
Went through some of the video from the Saturday February 26 rally in Lansing last night before hitting it. I would be lying if I said there were no civil conversations held, but frankly the few that were indeed civil,…