Tag: tea party

Feeling The Love

Went through some of the video from the Saturday February 26 rally in Lansing last night before hitting it. I would be lying if I said there were no civil conversations held, but frankly the few that were indeed civil,…

Some Signs For Saturday

At the left. Tea Party in Lansing Signs Signs2 Signs3 6 alternate sign ideas.. (2 per PDF) feel free to use or modify to fit your sign ideas   Given the concentration on the education angle (Wisconsin) It might be…

Tea party Saturday 02-26-11

WHAT: a tea party to show support for those governors who are trying to balance their state’s budgets. Time: February 26, 2011 from 12pm to 2pm Location: Capitol Building Lansing, Michigan More information as it becomes available.  

Tea Party Rally Tomorrow! 02-22-11

Southwest Michigan Patriots Tea Party Rally Lansing, Tuesday Feb. 22nd From 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. State Capitol, West Side along Walnut St. Dear Jason, Most of probably are aware of what is happening in Madison, Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker is…

MTTM Supports Wisconsin Tea Party And Governor Walker

Nowhere, more than in public union engagement is there a cost more worthy of challenge. The organizing and protests by union represented public employees is perfectly legit as a means of expressing their disagreement with Governor Scott Walker’s decision to…


Number$$$… As the “Boomers” begin their journey into the age of Social Security, let’s do a little exercise in the numbers using our tried and true “old Math”… We all realize that the money we will be getting from the…

It Could Have Been Worse

And I am not talking about the election, though it too turned out very good for the future of Michigan. ~ Reposted from RightMichigan.com ~ There was a very real possibility of paying even higher taxes these last two years.…

Two Rallies One Message

The message?  REPLACEMENT. The top four pictures taken at the Waterford Tea Party Express Rally for Rocky Raczkowski yesterday afternoon, and the bottom four from the Monroe Tea Party Express event for Dr. Rob Steele. Any of the pictures can…

THREE Michigan Tea Party Events Today! 10-29-2010

The Tea party Express will be rolling through Michigan today with three stops.  My wife and I will be attending the Waterford event.  Hope to see you there! Jackson, MI Date/Time: Friday, October 29th @ 10:00am Rally Location: Corner of…