Its been a busy year. In fact, between keeping the business afloat, deaths of family and friends, and personal political bids, its amazing I can even find the wherewithal to think, much less put those thoughts into readable and coherent…
Tag: Republicans
Some Have Thought This Might Be The New Republican Party Ad
Michigan Republican candidates for governor.
??And the race is on… The following Republicans have filed their petitions by yesterday’s deadline and are now seeking the Republican nod for November’s general election. Mike Bouchard, Mike Cox, Tom George, Pete Hoekstra, and Rick Snyder. Two of them…
Update On The Fight Against Forced Health Insurance
Many good folks might be concerned with the future of the multi-state lawsuit against the recently passed federal legislation which mandates the purchase of insurance as a condition of citizenship. The concern, based on the very real possibility that Michigan…
Political Establishment is Out of Touch
Part three in a series of articles by Roger Bucholtz ——————————————————————– Scott Brown’s Massachusetts victory demonstrates the disconnect between voters and the Republican and Democratic Party establishments that has been in evidence for some time now. That view was validated…
MI Fair Tax President Speaks Out.
Political Establishment is Out of Touch – Roger Buchholtz Scott Brown’s Massachusetts victory demonstrates the disconnect between voters and the Republican and Democratic Party establishment that has been in evidence for some time now. That view was validated in two…
14.3 Trillion Debt approved in the US Senate
On Straight party line votes the Democrat Senators voted to continue allowing our debt to spiral out of control. This group included our own Senators Levi and Stabenow. Malkin posts the entire list and vote record for this incredible legislative…
Its not about Michigan.. Or is it?
60 seats in the US Senate, occupied by those who bear the mark of the Jackass. 60 Senators who assume a great number of things, one of those things being that you have no clue what is best for you.…
THANK YOU Tea Parties!
There is no question in my mind that sans the attention brought to the problem of Republicans acting like Democrats, and Democrats acting like well.. um Democrats.. in the Tea Parties things would be as they were, and Tuesday’s vote…
Well Well Well…
Lets all be non-politico shall we? My goodness, when the dust clears and we look at who crossed the finish line, certainly a fair race would mean a genuine win. Right? The Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference was certainly an important…