Tag: Michigan

If you think this is bad, just wait for the "Fairness Doctrine.."

This weekend, protesters staged outside of the Carmike cinemas in favor of the showing of Kevin Leffler’s film “Shooting Michael Moore.”  Leffer himself was present wearing tape over his mouth symbolizing the censorship aspect.  It seems that after it was…

Some comments made at an Outside Lansing site debate..

These are my own, because I feel they pretty much nail down the essence of where I stand.. The debate is one which former Clinton appointee, UAW attorney and current northeastern Michigan resident Leonard Page addresses Chetly Zarko and his…

The RIGHT way to limit smoking in your environment..

Fortunately, Michigan has not yet seen passage of the smoking bans presented and approved by the House nor the Senate.  The debate as to WHY these bills did not see the governor’s pen can go elsewhere for now.  The pressure…

Yet another reason for Michigan woes..

This is the newest of the insanity being implemented in the name of “saving the planet.”  California no less than a couple thousand miles away now requires new labels to be installed on new cars.  It was not enough that…

A Reminder about the survival guide..

The Michigan Survival Guide is Still accepting submissions, and ALL submitted works will be considered seriously.  This is not a matter of ideology, though sometimes the articles are prefaced with an example of why the problems exits in the first…

Happy New Year Michigan!!!

Happy new year Michigan!  Though we all may not see eye to eye on all things, I truly wish for the best the new year and any others ahead can bring us.  I pray for the safe return of our…

The Fun Part About Financial Disaster…

OK the title is only slightly misleading… Financial ruin of an industry is hardly fun for those who get caught in the cogs of the machine. It is the DISCOVERY of truth which is rightfully enjoyable. The UAW has certainly…

The 2nd Annual Gander Awards

Last year we unveiled the Michigan Taxes Too Much’s Annual “Gander Awards.”  The awards are randomly attributed to our wonderful policy makers and those who hold a substantial influence on government policy in the state of [chaos] Michigan.  The year…