Tag: Michigan

If you could pull ONE QUOTE from this..

Tonight our governor, Jennifer Granholm speaks on the state of the economy in the state of Michigan. In the following video I would encourage a look..   Oh What the heck, there is a lot of good stuff said before one…

Cause and Effect – Part 1

As most who live here realize, Michigan has been on the forefront of the recession for.. oh..  About 6 years now.  Some would suggest that to discover the reasons, we will perhaps have to defer to a more historical perspective.…

Journal Entries – Representative Paul Opsommer (R-DeWitt)

This needs to happen in EVERY state house. Opsommer has a clear understanding of what the constitution is designed to protect with regard to the tenth amendment. Sadly, as a majority of the office holders in Washington do not including…

One business which seems to be thriving..

A morning commercial drives home the inadequacy, or even more accurately the evil side of government.  The “Tax Sale Directory” is now on sale!  Never mind that for someone to get a “sweet deal,” someone else must first be a…

Detroit's renewal might be solved by a great citizenship boondoggle

Detroit has had its population shrink over the last several years. Decay, driven by a shrinking manufacturing base and lack of leadership in Detroit and Lansing have allowed this once great metropolis to achieve full blown bankrupt third world status…

More on the climate change SCAM

Michigan’s Governor Jennifer Granholm has “latched on” to the false promise of renewable energy as a job creator for Michigan.  The loons on the left lay lavish praise on our lady of Lansing, for leveraging our liberties and our last…

OK.. $30 today.. $35 tomorrow..

This is getting pricey.  I throw out an easy $20 and pledge to add $5 each day till it is guessed.  This Michigan location, landmark, hall…  whatever you want to call it, is looking for some deserved attention. Surely $30…

$25 till 8 AM.. $30 Afterward..

I said I would post further clues..  But I dont know if I can afford another $5..  someone has GOT to guess this soon! And sorry JR..  You or other family cannot qualify for this. (wouldn’t be prudent)  Below is…

Name this Michigan Hall and win $20

I’ve got an extra $20 to give you.. IF you can be the first to identify this Michigan landmark.. $20 paid through PayPal or mail if you do not have PayPal.  Why?  Because I wanted an excuse to use this…