Tag: Michigan

Cut & Paste.. A Michigan Fix.

The solutions are ready, just take em an roll! Michigan has a constitutional prerogative to maintain a balanced budget, and with a looming deficit the like we have never seen, the battles are just now beginning.  So who will take…

Saturday May 16, 2009 Traverse City Tea Party.. With JOE!

WOW!  I just got off the horn with Roger Buchholtz, State Director of the Michigan Fair tax Association. The MFTA along with the American For Prosperity-Michigan have been able to get Samuel  ‘Joe the Plumber‘  Wurzelbacher to return to Michigan…

Some folks who helped the Petoskey Tea Party happen

Appreciation goes out to these guys who have done a little traveling for the benefit of Michigan taxpayers. It could be said SOMEONE has to do it, but its nice to know there are folks who take some serious time…

Gratuitous Tea Party Posting

Another attendee to the tea party in Petoskey sent this picture of he and his son with “Joe the Plumber” at the event.  What is really cool, is that people really look up to Joe not because he is a…

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Michigan US Representative Bart Stupak and I will see things far differently on a number of issues, but one of them will likely never be on “Gun Rights” and the proper application of the second amendment.  So as I may…

So what about your representation?

Several historic events are developing before our very eyes.  One of them is in regard to the failure of the automakers.  Michigan has had a strong industrial presence in the world partly based on our accessible waterways, and partly the…

Petoskey Tea Party Draws Over 1000!

Multiple estimates have the head count at nearly 1200 (my personal count at right around 1000) for the Petoskey Tea Party May 1st.  Speakers including “Joe the Plumber” provided down to earth no fear approach to the criticisms of government…

TODAY Petoskey Tea Party!!

TODAY 6pm! It appears we will again have the honor of seeing the man who would dare ask the honest question of candidate Barack Obama: “Isn’t that Socialism?” A Tea Party is brewing in Northern Michigan, with “Joe the Plumber”…

Two things..

Then Michigan film credit plan is a failure, and the film office staff is incompetent or covering up the dismal failure to keep their jobs.. Then we have the looming mid season budget shortfall notice of $1.3 billion???? ow. Perhaps…

Enemies of the State (of Michigan..)

By looking at just last months (March 2009) voting records of Senators, Levin and Stabenow, it becomes clear that Michigan’s best interests have not been represented very well in our federal government.  Michigan has suffered the indignant reality of becoming…