Tag: Michigan

Snyder Is Running Under WHAT Party Banner??

Yay..  and..  yawn.. its official..  A guy with a wish list and some pocket change wants to take advantage of a no win situation for Democrats in the upcoming Michigan Governor’s race.  Spend a lot of money and assume the…

Michigan Education Association Opposes Obamacare

An amazing new development!  The MEA has apparently taken a stand on the efforts of the Obama administration with this quote: “This is a massive expansion of government at a time when we can’t even get the budget balanced,” said…

Words from Jeffrey Immelt…

In late June, General Electric’s CEO, Jeffrey Immelt, was in Michigan announcing an investment where GE will bring 1,100 jobs to the Michigan economy. He had a few things to say.. A selection of his quotables below..  along with a…

CAFE du Michigan Workers

While fewer and fewer folks are able to retain jobs in this paradise of paradises, the elite trudge on to create “more of the same…” or perhaps not?  Don’t hold your breath folks, and DON’T let those Senators out of…

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Thou Shalt not do Murder, Thou shalt not Murder.. But Thou shalt not “snitch?” “Detroit’s clergy roused itself Wednesday, as it is wont to do when too many children are gunned down in too short a time, and pledged to…

July 4 2009 Traverse City Tea Party

Traverse City couldn’t have had better weather for a Tea Party.  With about 300-350 in attendance, spirits were high. After a few speakers, the event broke into smaller groups occupying several areas to draw attention from passers by in traffic. …

Tomorrow. July 4 2009 Tea Party Independence Celebration!

July 4, 2009 Tea party activities are upon us!  Tomorrow, Saturday, Independence day, we gather once again, and not for the last time to let our leadership know we are far from happy with the way they have done their…

Something we can all agree on

Conservative, or Liberals (not so sure about the hard core leftists though…) in Michigan would like to see its economy improve. One of the main reasons, is that a thriving economy creates a diverse job base. Hard to find any…

July 4, 2009 Tea Party Countdown

Below is a as complete a list of Tea Party celebrations of our renewed Independence that will be happening in Michigan on July 4, 2009. I have made an effort to be as accurate as possible, and will update as…

Traitorous American Recall Posse (T.A.R.P.)

By Jeff McQueen The passage of the American Clean Energy & Security Act (House Bill 2454), also known as  Cap & Trade, is the height of treachery by 219 of our representatives in the U.S. Congress. In the vote recorded…