Tag: Michigan

The APPROPRIATE Type Of Smoking Sign

This is an example of a smoking sign that is both appropriate, and offers assistance to those people who are too stupid to notice that a Bar or restaurant is a smoking enterprise. But of course.. this wouldn’t allow the…

Upcoming Results MCSC

The Michigan Constitutional Scholarship Contest entries are nearly finished being judged.  This was an opportunity for school aged children and young adults in Michigan to write an essay on what they view as the most important part of the constitution,…

Happy Tea Party Day!

Tonight in celebration of the event that arguably started it all, we had a Tea Party and candle light vigil. The Boston Tea party of December 16, 1773 was the spark that ignited the colonial revolution against the King. 80+…

More on the Smoking Ban

If this resolution of this particular issue currently makes you happy, you might find another reading source.  Michigan government is out of control. I’m likely going to bore you unless liberty matters. Cheesy platitudes about freedom, our rights, you know…


And I am not talking about the Democrats on the “YES” list..  I am talking about Republicans..  So Called Republicans.. RINO.  The Dems don’t get a pass, its just they probably could care less what this conservative Republican thinks.  Its…

Climategate for Dummies

The American Thinker does an outstanding job explaining the global warming deception by Mann, Jones, et el.. As the mainstream media move from abject denial to dismissive whitewashing, CRU co-conspirators move to Copenhagen for tomorrow’s UN climate meeting, intent on…

Unlawful Ordinance

“Ordinance” as in a Municipal decree.  The decree of Alpena’s government that “Ordnance” shall not be ordinary upon city property. Sec. 54-2. Disorderly Conduct (a) The following acts shall constitute disorderly conduct, and no person shall: (6) Go armed with…

A New way of funding the left…

We have seen it with ACORN, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GSE’s (Government Sponsored Enterprises) move taxpayer money into private hands under the guise of delivering more efficiently directed help where help is needed.  As most should realize by now, corruption…

St. Francis Takes Title

Division 7 winners 42-8 over Hudson at Ford Field in Detroit.   2nd year in a row for Traverse City St. Francis. Congratulations!!