Tag: Hoogendyk

If you say you'll be different.. be different.

The most frustrating thing for conservatives who want to make the Republican party strong, and move intelligent public policy along is that often its hard to find a candidate who will actually stick to their guns when finally given the…

Little Things at the Right Time.

First off, break out the popcorn, fluff up the easy chair, and have it ready to be watching the local PBS affiliate at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, October 19th.  Jack Hoogendyk and the original “Senator Government” Carl Levin will square off…

McCain Palin really are Michigan's hope for a future.

I have written my Kvetches about John McCain, and any candidate slash politician who has crossed the line my personal convictions wouldnt allow.  I have not, nor will I let up on calling out that which I disagree with regard…

Perhaps a little sunshine today.

Its starting to get colder, the bailout last week was somewhat disturbing, but even on a Monday, I am waking with renewed optimism.

Limited Government, Excitement and Blood.

Recently, I was awarded a pass to day two of the Republican Convention. Being a once in a lifetime opportunity, I quickly accepted and made plans. A 12 hour drive, and about 8-10 coke zeros later found myself in the…