Tag: government

Terror in the village

The bailout scourge has spread from the street of Wall, to the Motors of the City, and now it threatens us from the Malls of America. Like the Zombies in the worst schlock horror flicks we face a spreading of…

Regulatory Climate is the True Culprit.

I have written in prior posts on the benefits of reducing a regulatory environment to promote business, and still stand on the assertion that for every bill passed into law by congress and a capitulating Presidential signature, there are several…

Recession… DOH

All through the morning I have been looking at slow moving inventory, and considering the slow receivables, and began considering markdowns and elimination of entire product lines.  As I considered the cost of keeping some items on the shelf I…

Word of the day…

Stupid.  yes..  S.T. OOPID Most dictionaries agree that it is an Adjective, and that the definitions including “lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.” or “tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid…

If you say you'll be different.. be different.

The most frustrating thing for conservatives who want to make the Republican party strong, and move intelligent public policy along is that often its hard to find a candidate who will actually stick to their guns when finally given the…

Privatizing the AUTOMAKERS to solve their dilemma…

Privatization has been touted as a cure to the inefficiency of government run institutions for many years now, because having a vested interest in the profits or losses of any program is key to the success of those programs.  Private…

Granholm Screwed us, and why we fail the test

The elections draw ever near. Michigan voters, as well as those in the rest of the country have all the information needed to make the right decisions.  But as the flag bearer of the Democrats proselytizes “change” and “hope” to…

Want to keep track of Michigan Government?

Ever hear of the Sunshine Review?  A free source of information dedicated to helping provide transparency in government.  Michigan is featured with breaking news, articles and information you may not see in the typical media outlets.

BLAME is as important as ever.. And Useful

“We are in the midst of a crisis” a call which is being well heard by investors and anyone who cares how government respects its constitutional authority.  In the midst of the maelstrom of moneyed mayhem, we find a few…

Detroit, look around you.

Because all you see is about to be owned by the federal government. As your property values dropped, your homeowners couldn’t sell.  Small business failed as it couldn’t meet the obligations as Michigan taxes rose, and populations dropped, and the…