Tag: government

So what about your representation?

Several historic events are developing before our very eyes.  One of them is in regard to the failure of the automakers.  Michigan has had a strong industrial presence in the world partly based on our accessible waterways, and partly the…

Continuing the Tea Party activities.. As we must.

While writing on some particular topics, I have had the opportunity to see what really drives folks to truly engage in their future.  The Tea Parties really awoke the sleepy activists in many of us.  From the grandparents who have…

Now We Are Extremists?

There is strength in numbers.  At least the left ELITE knows it, and has used it by pulling together groups of varying degrees of extremes.  From those who want cradle to grave government hand holding, to those who have been…

Whats The Tea Party All About?

Much of the discussion recently over the Tea party activity has been the challenge of identifying WHY we are doing them, WHAT we hope to come of it, the CHALLENGES we face, and WHO is making these events possible.  A…

Standards & Principles

Fresh Tea – Michigan TEA PARTY Info Available (click image) Core beliefs. Those standards which we guide our lives by. The unchanging rules that make us who we are. A guarantee that we will do no wrong? Hardly. A promise…

How ready we really are – A Tea Party Installment

We forget sometimes how much like ourselves others think. There are quite a few people who were ready to stand up and protest yet were not ready to stick their necks out if they thought they would be doing it…

What does the future hold for General Motors?

As General Motors faces impending bankruptcy, the federal government is unlikely to address the true problem which faces the former auto giant. Environmental extremism and legislative corruption and power seeking. Call it what it is. Green science is JUNK Science,…

If I made those decisions..

My wife and I visited a good friend in the hospital yesterday. She had just undergone an operation on the vertebrae in her neck and was under the influence of pharmaceuticals during the time we were present. As things go,…

"A Republic If You Can Keep It.."

When asked about what we as Americans received with the founding of our constitution, Ben Franklin gave a response which was quite appropriate, and prophetic.  Much in the way the Romans eventually destroyed their own republic through a progression of…

AARP Should take note..

You ever see Logan’s Run? Just taking a little time out to point out that the addition of the $650,000,000,000.00 to the Obama plan for health care along with a side order of of a new Information technology promise of…