Tag: democrats

Sadly Justice is not always served…

Why is this guy even in our legislative system? in 2005 Attorney General Mike Cox charged George Cushingberry, with two counts of felony perjury and one misdemeanor count of failing to file campaign statements.  Ultimately the case was dismissed with…

Mark Brewer Took The Blue Pill..

Actually, maybe just a few too many of them.  welcome to the machine Mark. Your recent suggestion to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour is how should I put this in the most polite way possible… “incredibly benighted…

Whats The Tea Party All About?

Much of the discussion recently over the Tea party activity has been the challenge of identifying WHY we are doing them, WHAT we hope to come of it, the CHALLENGES we face, and WHO is making these events possible.  A…

MiGOP Legislators Putting it out there for all to see

Nothing like a little transparency to keep government in line.  Michigan Republican House members are taking the lead by placing their expense accounts on line for all to see.  Granholm is fighting it, citing the added cost to list the…

Cause and Effect – Part 1

As most who live here realize, Michigan has been on the forefront of the recession for.. oh..  About 6 years now.  Some would suggest that to discover the reasons, we will perhaps have to defer to a more historical perspective.…

The Future Truths (the series)

zzztzzz ztttz —  [ Begin transmission] – From the New York Times/Pravda June 12, 2014  — The lone Republican left in the house is being blamed as Democrats heve been unable to solve the nagging issue of 45% unemployment, ad…

The Danger of Caucus… and Card Check..

Everyone knows of a person who has a stronger determination, a healthier “Knowing” attitude about the details of life.  Often these folks will do great things for themselves, their families and ultimately their communities.  They are seemingly gifted with the…

Quote of the day.

My Own, posted on a blog somewhere…. “I stand by my assertion that the manipulation of the perpetually stupid is a successful enterprise of the Democrats.” Yeah..  I said it.

If you say you'll be different.. be different.

The most frustrating thing for conservatives who want to make the Republican party strong, and move intelligent public policy along is that often its hard to find a candidate who will actually stick to their guns when finally given the…

Metalworks I'd like you to meet Roy Gross..

Roy is the guy the Democrats paraded out at the Democrat National convention as a worker who “lost his job” and proceeded to blame the Bush administration for his troubles as well as those of the rest of the working…