From the heritage site: With each vote cast in Congress, freedom either advances or recedes. Heritage Action’s new legislative scorecard allows Americans to see whether their Members of Congress are fighting for freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society. The scorecard…
Tag: Conservatives
Heated Rhetoric?
A very bad thing happened yesterday. A deranged man attacked a public figure, for a reason that only he might know. In the process, he also attacked and killed others who may, or may not have been intended targets. Apparently…
The 17th Amendment Mistake
The 17th amendment is unconstitutional. While we recognize the ability of super majorities and the process in which the constitution itself might be modified, there is a strong sense of intent that must not be ignored. The founders understood how…
Happy Constitution Day!!
Character and Consequence
The Booth
You Betcha.. Newt Turned Out To Be One Of Those..
I have commented before about my disappointment in someone I had considered a relatively safe mouthpiece for the conservative movement. When Nancy was Screwing the country in 2008 not allowing a vote on Drilling, Newt sat down on the couch…
A Couple of ideas to revitalize the Michigan Republican Party.
Its already happening. Michigan will likely see a new political party in charge in 2010. It is a good start, but there will be concern from conservatives, that the lessons learned in the past couple of election cycles will elude…
Limbaugh attacked because he hopes Obama fails..
I hope he fails too. If success for Barack Obama means the continuance of policies aimed at destroying the constitution, I hope he fails miserably. Further, I hope he is finally seen in a fitting way as a thug president…
If you say you'll be different.. be different.
The most frustrating thing for conservatives who want to make the Republican party strong, and move intelligent public policy along is that often its hard to find a candidate who will actually stick to their guns when finally given the…