Here’s the deal – I’m conservative (well, small “L” libertarian), not fan of the gay lifestyle by any means, but at the same time, I don’t think it’s my place to be interfering with whatever the hell two guys or…
Something to prove a point
The fight for free markets, and our grievances with government still has room for the message itself, delivered in no less than a number of for profit enterprises. Hawking shirts to bumper stickers, we have seen a growth of entrepreneurs…
The Tea Party Convention
The days activities started off with a pledge of allegiance, and a well done two verse rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. We then broke out into several groups including “how bad is it?,” “Underground media,” “Headlines & Interviews,” and…
If it ain't broke, the governor still wants to fix it.
Wednesday and Thursday, I was up in Grayling helping run M16 and M9 ranges to burn off some STA time (basically, I’m not going to be here for a couple of my drills, so I’m making up for it). On…
They Are All Beauty Contest Winners
There are indeed similarities between the way a pageant winner is treated, and the way our citizens are treated when they don’t capitulate. However, it goes further, and can paint quite a picture when looking at the characters who use…
Citizen Whistleblower Act
You might all remember the story of the King of the winds farms. in southern Michigan? The abuse of The Michaels family, Michigan citizens, by the DEQ and local authorities should raise the hairs on the back of your neck…