Category: Real Discussion

Good money after bad? Michigan Government ..your "partner"

The Industrial Policy Blog references a news article ,and notes the state of Michigan is spending another $30 million to advertise Michigan as a tourist destination.  The author points out correctly, that this is not the first time Michigan has…

Ray Schoenke, the guy in the "Obama loves gun owners" advertisements..

I previously discussed an ad which had a “gun owner” Now airing in PA and Michigan.  The apparent speaker of the ad is the president of a “hunter and shooter” organization.  Wow! that lends credibility!  Or Does it.  While many…

Obama wants you to keep your guns.. for now.

A Campaign radio ad I heard on the way in to work today had a guy who (though I dislike having to stereotype) sounded like a White, Blue Collar, Gun Toting, Sportsman, Reagan Democrat.  Apparently the kind of cat who…

ACORN on the ground in Michigan

An Ivory tower article appearing today demonstrates the need for better verification procedures for voter registration.  While I am not to be counted among those that prefer if uneducated, unknowing individuals didn’t make it to the polls or file for…

Do you believe EVERYTHING because you read it?

Much like the “philosophical” meanderings you would find scratched on the walls of the typical bathroom stall at the airport, bar, restroom at the local elementary school, Daily KOS readers are energized daily with all the truths they need to…

The benefits of GAS Price gouging.

OK, the stories are out about potential gas gouging in a lot of areas, with some prices jumping $0.80 to $1.25 in some.  Michigan’s Governor Granholm has already stated she would go after “gougers” and many other governors have made…

Sour Grapes Andy?

The following was submitted as final paragraphs and was part of the explanation allowed by law to be next to the recall question on the ballot for those who face recall as does Andy Dillon. “The recall campaign was organized…

Devos comments on Michigan economy.

Dick Devos this morning during a phone segment on the Ron Jolly show, Pointed out that Michigan economic woes are NOT the result of the federal government, but rather because of an anti business climate created by governor Granholm.  he…

Where I was.. Where we were.. Where we are.

I was working.  Heard about the first plane hitting, and in an era of occasional transportation disasters we tend to be a little numbed if it is 400 miles away as the crow flies.. I didn’t really perk up the…

Dems Say Goodbye to Their Constituencies

The  Democrat party has been waving goodbye to Women, Blacks, Children, and Handicappers though this entire election cycle.  All  these groups which the Democrat party has claimed to champion, are being disrespected by the liberal MSM, Obama himself, and all…