Author: JGillman

Not An April Fools Day Prank – Mark Schauer Holding Health Care Town Hall Meetings after the Health Care Vote – again

Somehow not a great surprise..  The Walberg camp points out the perfect timing of Mark Schauer when it comes to conversing with his “peeps” the apparent sugar duck citizens in his (Schauer’s) view who aren’t worth listening to BEFORE those…

United States Army Officer Puts Neck Out For Constitution

In what I would call one of the most risky moves to a person’s career, a light bird colonel of the US Army has made his stand.  He has refused any further orders until the Obama has furnished proof that…

Political Establishment is Out of Touch

Part three in a series of articles by Roger Bucholtz ——————————————————————– Scott Brown’s Massachusetts victory demonstrates the disconnect between voters and the Republican and Democratic Party establishments that has been in evidence for some time now.  That view was validated…

The VAT – a comparison..

Today’s installment describes the VAT, and how it would be managed under the current political environment.  Roger Bucholtz explains… Citizens, Two current issues: 1) A VAT is far superior to the income tax, however, when Washington talks about a VAT they…

Alternative Taxation – An Option For Michigan

Roger Buchholtz has written a series of articles we will be publishing over the next few days, explaining the advantages of a consumption based tax system. The income tax destroys our freedom, punishes productive behavior (work, savings, investment, etc.), corrupts our…

Ding Dong Mao Pong Obama Oh So Wrong

Call it artistic license.. Given we have something that merely has interchangeable heads, I present latest craze 80 years in the making.. I only wish the reality we face was so funny. I may modify it at some point to…

The Granholm Whine..

As I type this, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm is a guest on Greta.. In a classical hissy, suitable only to the executive diva of Lansing, she asserts the AG’s duties are at her whim, gleefully ignoring the process in which…

Tea Party Express Launch A HUGE Success!

These pictures are but a few out of many taken at the Saturday rally in Searchlight Nevada, home of the Senate Leader Harry Reid.  From the Massive crowds, to singular expressions of patriotism, to the flag designed by Michigander and…

Granholm Would Prefer Communism..

I called it out here and in other places prior to the election of 2008, that the man who would be president Barack Obama, is at the very least socialist, but in fact Marxist with a left Liberal Fascist mindset.…

Reply to In-Your-Face Carl Levin Letter

Senator, With all due respect,  I did not want this bill. No one who has a lick of sense did either.  And all of you knew that. The congressmen, and senators who voted for this bill have forgotten what it…