Michigan US Senatorial candidate Peter Konetchty answers the question “Do you support the repeal of the 17th amendment?” Konetchy is spot on with his assesment that the Obamacare would NOT have been passed if as the founders designed, the US…
Today marks the end of the road for what I have considered an illegal conspiracy and collusion between the Granholm administration and union entities in order to defraud workers from their right to choose representation. Using the basis of Michigan’s…
I’ll be the first one beating the drums for our natural rights. A sign held in a recent commission meeting read “Collective Bargaining Is A Human right”. I must agree with that. It is indeed. As a right, we enjoy…
Thomas Jefferson. He certainly had some gems. In fact I’ll bet any one of these following could be applied today: “How much pain they have cost us, the evils which have never happened.” “I believe that banking institutions are more…
How do we treat each other? When is it OK to bring up ideas in an elected body? What venue should be more finite in its representation of electors than the next? And who decides what is appropriate, if not…
Nice work Mackinac Center! Great job in documenting the roll out of Michigan Freedom To Work.
Texas Governor Rick Perry will address the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, Michigan Republican party Chairman Bobby Schostak said today. “We expect a tremendous national and statewide media presence at the Mackinac Conference, and Governor Perry’s commitment only underscores the national…
In an appeals court today the majority holding that Obamacare is legal: The majority emphasized that the case should not hang on distinctions about whether the failure to purchase insurance should be defined as activity or inactivity, a question the…
As “austerity measures” are being announced for Greece, and the country faces riots, the European union is concerned about the financial meltdown and the effect it will have on itself, and the rest of the world. Greece has a GDP…