Month: April 2009

Ignorant or Insidious?

The following is a column that I should hopefully have printed in Friday’s edition of CM Life, Central Michigan University’s school rag.

Last Call for the TRAVERSE CITY Bus to LANSING

Trying to wrap up the space details, and though we may have a couple of seats left, I am hoping to nail down the exact group.  I have sent out an itinerary to those who have already reserved, and expect…

Whats The Tea Party All About?

Much of the discussion recently over the Tea party activity has been the challenge of identifying WHY we are doing them, WHAT we hope to come of it, the CHALLENGES we face, and WHO is making these events possible.  A…

Attending the Tea Parties as a Partisan?.. NO

There has been speculation by many on both sides that the Tea Party Events are “Republican” events.  The “proof” being that there are “a lot of Republicans attending,” or the fact the Kent County Republicans is sponsoring a tea party. …

Traverse City Tea Party Events

I am going to be on the bus headed to Lansing (still a few seats left) But Traverse City will still have some Tea Party Activity happening.. Matt Schoech has updated the below information for the traverse City events.

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For some reason, the system defaulted to a “must log in to post a comment” setting. This has been corrected. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Traverse City Bus To Lansing Update

Michigan Tax Day Tea Party transportation to Lansing on a 46 seat bus 3/4 full – A few seats left as of this writing.  If you have been thinking about plunking down the 30 Bucks, click on the link in…

Standards & Principles

Fresh Tea – Michigan TEA PARTY Info Available (click image) Core beliefs. Those standards which we guide our lives by. The unchanging rules that make us who we are. A guarantee that we will do no wrong? Hardly. A promise…

Fresh Tea – (updated events info 04-13-09 latest)

Below, to the best of my knowledge, is the latest scheduling for the Michigan Tea Parties…  Organizers should double check and make corrections  Prior posts mention most of this, as well as a sign making party in Livonia.  Folks, this…