Month: December 2008

The Fun Part About Financial Disaster…

OK the title is only slightly misleading… Financial ruin of an industry is hardly fun for those who get caught in the cogs of the machine. It is the DISCOVERY of truth which is rightfully enjoyable. The UAW has certainly…

Feel Free to comment.. Even if you are from "MediaRat"

Sorry..  If you invite comments, at least have the courtesy to publish them.  Some folks put a lot of time and thought into their words before submitting them.  Heck, I will accept views contrary to my own here, and have…

The Future Truths (the series)

zzztzzz ztttz —  [ Begin transmission] – From the New York Times/Pravda June 12, 2014  — The lone Republican left in the house is being blamed as Democrats heve been unable to solve the nagging issue of 45% unemployment, ad…

Terror in the village

The bailout scourge has spread from the street of Wall, to the Motors of the City, and now it threatens us from the Malls of America. Like the Zombies in the worst schlock horror flicks we face a spreading of…

The 2nd Annual Gander Awards

Last year we unveiled the Michigan Taxes Too Much’s Annual “Gander Awards.”  The awards are randomly attributed to our wonderful policy makers and those who hold a substantial influence on government policy in the state of [chaos] Michigan.  The year…

On The TWELFTH Day Of Christmas Granholm Gave To Me..

TWELVE Years Of Freedom Twelve years less in the pokey perhaps for the violent offenders..  Simply to let those of us who dont want more taxes to know we have to face the consequences of our desires.