Day: August 14, 2008

A break in seriousness.. Sheehan, Pelosi conspiracy

OK.. this is a not a JOKE.. the case was real, but.. All I can say is I guess Pelosi brings out the best in all of us. Again.. NOT to be taken seriously.. oh… ok.. lol. We’ll get back…

UPDATE Pelosi Using Congress to PAD bank account

Using the wayback machine this  little doggie sniffed out a seemingly forgotten item from Michelle Malkin in 2007. Congress certainly rewards those who try hard Huh?  Water front property needing a face lift for increased desirability.  For Pelosi’s Rent collecting…

Slant drilling under the lakes again under debate.

A local oil/gas producer has shed some light. At this point I would prefer to leave his name off the page, as he is a customer as well. He claims there is approx 8 Billion bbls they are aware of,…

Make sure that thing has reverse.

Hate to give love to these guys, but I would say it is about time the put gas in their ol trusty short bus. Kilpatrick is not just a shame to the Democrats, he is a disgrace to this state.