Month: July 2008

Will we see it?

Between ecological absurdity, and essentially economic retardation, our state government has put us in a developing position not unlike that we are seeing in California. Granholm, and the democratic majority in the house along side a few misguided Republicans in…

Explaining WHY the film credit is not a good deal..

On the way out from the hearing in Traverse City Monday, a couple who has a daughter filming in Bulgaria commented on my remarks (I pretty much insisted the deal reeked of hypocrisy) before the panel. The gentleman insisted the…

Moore on Film Credit plan.. and a BONUS!!

“Roll out the red carpet” according to Michael Moore at a hearing on the Michigan film credit in Traverse City Monday. He means.. Don’t take advantage of the film crews, production guys etc.. “Make them feel welcome” Telling us at…

No Jobs Left Behind…

Granholm plans to announce today here in Traverse City that the No Worker Left Behind program will put more effort into preparing laid-off workers for alternative energy careers. <Insert Applause here> Sigh… Whatever happened to free markets? When the chief…

Dear Michigander,

I was born here, raised here, and quite frankly, cannot imagine living anywhere else. Michigan is my home, my security, my life. I am writing this to hopefully enlist your aid in taking back our great state and traditional way…

For your amusement…

This is actually how it looks… though the link to the power point is dead..  I broke off from a little online gaming to get this screen capture. Click the thumbnail for a larger image. I really have quite a…

Job Seekers

 *note*For those sensitive to gender issues please insert the “he/she,” “his/her,” and other gender changes where appropriate. – thank you, the management Consider what the AVERAGE JOE does to get and maintain his position of employment.  He trains, (either through…

Value Added Cost of Green.

House Speaker Pelosi: “This call for drilling in areas that are protected is a hoax, it’s an absolute hoax on the part of the Republicans and this administration” Continuing, “It’s a decoy to punt your attention away from the fact…

Outside the Box

We have all heard the term “Outside the box thinking,” and most understand what it means. Thinking “outside the box” is to think differently, unconventionally, from a new perspective.  Joseph Lehman doesnt use the term in his response to a…

Independence and our Pursuits

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – From the Declaration of…